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We've rated all three of Avanti's travel insurance policies – Deluxe, Classic and Essential – as well as its two cruise policies, Deluxe Cruise and Classic Cruise.
You won't find the policies on price comparison sites, so you'll have to buy them directly from Avanti.
Avanti policies are underwritten by Ergo Travel Insurance Services on behalf of Great Lakes.
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The latest data from the Financial Conduct Authority show that Ergo Travel Insurance Services – which underwrites Avanti's policies – paid out 70-75% of claims made on annual European policies In 2022. This is below the average of 76%.
Ergo paid out 60-65% of claims made on annual worldwide policies ( which is below the average of 82%) and 60-65% of claims made on single-trip policies (below the average of 73%).
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For medical emergencies abroad, call +44 (0)1403 288123, or +1-833-251-8487 if travelling within the USA or Canada.
To make a claim, call +44 (0)1403 288122.
Before calling for cancellation claims, you should contact your travel agent and/or airline to seek a refund or to move your trip.
You'll need your policy document when you call.
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